Employer Branding’s Silent Killer: C-Suite Absence

Published in The Pulse of Employer Branding on LinkedIn - 2 December 2024

When a Request for Proposal (RFP) scope of work does not align with what decision-makers are ultimately looking for, misalignment is inevitable. This was particularly evident in my recent experience, where decision-makers at the presentation stage conveyed expectations completely different from the originally approved scope of work.

6 ways high-growth employer brands get it right

Published in CHRO SA on 13 August 2024

Building an employer brand at an early stage for startups and high-growth organisations can be viewed as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you have a clean fresh canvas from which you can start, but on the other, you’ve got limited resources, budget and a hard sell to sceptical stakeholders who prioritise product/service marketing over employer branding.

WEBINAR: Thought Leader Spotlight: Building a Business Case: The Evolution of iKhokha’s Employer Brand

Published in CHRO SA on 13 August 2024

Building an employer brand at an early stage for startups and high-growth organisations can be viewed as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you have a clean fresh canvas from which you can start, but on the other, you’ve got limited resources, budget and a hard sell to sceptical stakeholders who prioritise product/service marketing over employer branding.

Webinar Highlights: Learning & Development – The Cornerstone of a Strong Employer Brand (with Pluto LMS)

I was honored to be invited by Pluto LMS as the guest speaker for their webinar, where we explored how Learning & Development (L&D) plays a critical role in building a strong employer brand. As [...]

The Secret Currency to Talent: the EVP

Published in CHRO SA on 11 June 2024

EVP could be an employer’s secret sauce as it enhances talent management, highlighting company values and sustainability, attracting and retaining top talent. This acronym is gaining much momentum within the realm of talent management strategies of late. Despite its growing popularity, the true potential of this powerful and strategic tool is still largely untapped.

Dominate the Talent Market in 2024 – Become an Employer Magnet : Free Tools & Course for Your Success

As Talent Leaders (Talent Acquisition, HR, Recruiters, Sourcers, Recruitment Marketers, Employer Branding Specialists and anyone involved in one's recruitment brand), we all understand the importance of remaining relevant, by staying connected, knowledgeable, and on top [...]

Celebratory Launch of the Employer Branding Africa Learning Academy!!

I'm excited to announce the launch of the Employer Branding Africa Learning Academy, made possible by the ongoing AI revolution that has created space for a more humanized workplace. This Learning Platform presents a unique [...]

LIVE PULSE WEBINAR: An Introduction to Recruitment Marketing & Employer Branding – x3 Sessions

These LIVE Webinars provide Recruiters and Talent Acquisition Leaders with an introduction to the importance of adopting the universal tools of Employer Branding and Marketing within their talent management strategies.

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