REGISTER HERE for Employer Branding Africa’s FIRST
on-demand webinar for 2022Kick back and enjoy these valuable insights!

WHO am I hosting?
Nate Guggia, co-founder of Before You Apply, a content platform and creative studio that specialises in creating content for highly technical audiences in extremely competitive markets that help high-growth companies and talent teams hire fast.

WHY Nate?
Having followed Nate for the past 1-2 years, I just knew I had to meet and share his wisdom with you. Nate is not afraid to say it how it is, his content is always practical and extremely thought-provoking, the conversations are topical but often not spoken about or publicised in fear of not being politically correct. Pushing boundaries and challenging legacy practices are what I enjoy.

WHAT do we cover?
A lot, but here are just some key focus areas:

  • The agility and advantage points that small companies have versus their slow, larger, and mature counterparts, that don’t have the people internally to figure out employer branding. They battle to cut through the levels of bureaucracy, unable to adapt and plan ahead for the future of work.
  • The challenge of securing employer brand and recruitment marketing budget versus product or service marketing budget allocation due to lack of knowing what employer branding is, why it matters and how to measure.
  • The lack of not getting up close and personal in having productive conversations and asking the right questions with people who touch one’s employer brand places companies at a massive disadvantage. It doesn’t help to play it safe and be unconventional.
  • The need for employer brand champions to create the assets i.e. tools and solutions and place them into the hands of Recruiters to equip them to make their jobs easier and become true employer brand advocates.
  • Position your recruiting team to become content marketers. They are the golden ticket to the candidate’s intention to “purchase” or not.
  • Establish what your ideal metrics are going to be in order to measure your ROI. Think about the emerging workforce and our general behaviour. We spend time on newsfeeds. This is how we consume, share and distribute information, distract ourselves, and gain people’s attention.
  • Value propositions have shifted towards all kinds of things related to work and/or industry, together with experts’ opinions, thereafter people are able to connect to the brand e.g. a Software Engineer will move for interesting, challenging, and new innovative work. Hook them through understanding what you are doing first, then utilise the benefits and talk about the company culture to close the deal!

Immerse yourself into the changing Future of Work and how employer branding can unlock the potential in further positioning yourselves in a globally competitive talent market.

REGISTER here to understand and leverage the power of employer branding and recruitment marketing!