To lead on Employer Branding for a start-up, you need to have a seller’s mentality.

Where do you start?

  • Address the functional heads to gather an understanding of what matters to them most. The great thing is there are fewer layers of bureaucracy. Turnarounds and buy-in from modern founders are quick as they value and appreciate the importance of their employees assisting them in reaching their vision, mission, and goals.
  • Create content that provides your market with all the information that talent needs in order for them to make informed buying decisions. Create quickly and access the right people internally to co-create with in order to get your message out there. This does not need to take a large budget.
  • Start with small initiatives to first prove results and scale from there. A conservative approach towards demonstrating the proof of how employer branding can impact each stakeholder and their department is a great place to start. Thereafter position your proven case studies into the broader business.

Feel free to message me at with any questions on where to start with introducing employer branding within your early and mid-stage start-ups.

Stay tuned to the Pulse of Employer Branding Africa as you continue to build a broader understanding of why employer branding matters now more than ever