I had the pleasure of hosting Employer Branding SA’s first webinar on Thursday, 27 August.

Leaders from the essential services sector were purposefully chosen as our panelists Carina Smith-Allin, Head of Group Communications of Pick ‘n Pay, Mariette du Toit, Talent Management Consultant of Capitec Bank and Dieter Veldsman, Group Human Capital Executive, Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Ltd shared their wealth of experience, insights and lessons learnt within the context of our unique South African environment. There were too many excellent takeaways to list, but here is a snapshot view of what these companies are doing through post-COVID recovery phase:

🔹Humans are feeling a strong need for that human interaction, having worked remotely – impacting on their well-being

🔹As hard-working SA citizens, people are finding it difficult to establish boundaries with being able to switch off

🔹People have and are still having to proactively upskill themselves for the new hybrid workplace

🔹Ensuring employees remain engaged, with assurance to consistent behaviour in keeping customers safe, especially within retail stores

🔹Leadership visibility – can tend to be a disconnect between support office and stores

🔹Culture and morale continues to still be impacted

🔹Adapting ones Talent Framework is very necessary but don’t let it be a “knee-jerk” reaction with regrets of having to revert back to your previous structure late down the line.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”!

Should you wish to access the webinar recording to gather further great insights, please access it here https://bit.ly/3lys5NY