So now you’ve been instructed to cut down on your recruitment spend and stop outsourcing to Recruitment Providers!?

No easy feat as this impacts your workload, the need to become far more agile with your recruitment processes and knowledgeable in recruitment marketing and employer branding to secure the best talent.

Adopting the recruitment function in-house requires you to become increasingly consultative and marketing savvy as the business demands its critical job requirements to be converted.

Your competition may be asking the right questions regarding important selling essentials e.g. culture fit, employer branding, unique job value propositions etc. thus giving them the edge.
Stop wasting time on presenting candidates that do not convert to placements!

Gather the knowledge to start remaining relevant in competing for skill.

Consider the following:

  • What solutions are you offering into the business over and above unpacking the job spec?
  • Are you identifying the opportunities to demonstrate creative thinking and value add prior to filling your company’s job requirements?
  • How are you demonstrating that you have moved from a cost centre to a profit centre?
  • Have you gained the respect from your line-managers as a true specialist; knowledgeable in your approach in providing “out of the box” futuristic thinking and relevant marketing intelligence?
  • Attraction, engagement, retention and nurturing of candidates forms part of the candidate experience journey. In-sourcing this function requires you to critically look at your candidate experience. When last was this done?

As a the leading expert on Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing in SA, Celeste Sirin has trained Leaders across renowned brands such as BAT, The Ocean Group, Capespan, The Foschini Group, Mediclinic, KWV to name a few. View some of our past classes and course content HERE.

Give your brand a voice today by contacting us now!