
Recruitment Marketing and Employer Branding at Executive Management Level



The Capespan Group, which manages a portfolio of companies offering a range of quality value-added products and related services in fresh produce, were looking to fill one of their strategic leadership roles; that of a Chief Financial Officer for their Capespan Logistics Division.

Skill Requirements

  • We leveraged off their reputable Employer Brand, utilising a blended recruitment marketing awareness campaign (print, online and social media channels), to capture the attention of both active and passive candidates.
  • We provided intimate attention and ongoing intercommunications with these professionals throughout the response management process. The object being to secure the candidate response, manage expectations and create a great candidate experience for these high level executives right through to appointment stage!

Business Impact

Our recruitment advertising and marketing campaign generated both a quantitative and qualitative response. The Capespan Group were able to revisit their unique client-owning database with a view to considering prospective candidates for further additional roles within the Group.

The Capespan Group were not only successful in placing this role, but were able to revisit their unique client-owning database with a view to considering prospective additional talent to fill other positions within the Group.

recruitment advertising
recruitment advertising